*Links to Officers/Chairmen are at bottom of page

A Message from Sonya Matthies
CFWC President 2024-2026

I am so pleased to welcome you to the 2024-2026 Administration. It is my extreme honor and pleasure to serve as your 68th CFWC President. I am looking forward to working with our CFWC members and clubs as we continue to make a difference in our communities and beyond!
The theme I have selected for my administration is “Ignite Your Volunteer Spirit”! My hope is that our members will embrace the theme and get excited about volunteering — and that this enthusiasm will spread throughout the California Federation of Women’s Clubs.
Civic Engagement & Outreach is my special focus — emphasizing our military personnel and veterans. Please consider projects during 2024-2026 that support the U.S. Military through the many areas of need and enrichment.
I look forward to working with the new CFWC Executive Board and am thankful to the previous administration for their help and guidance.
I’m proud to report that CFWC currently has 10,188 members serving in 214 clubs throughout all of California. These clubs are grouped geographically to form 18 CFWC Districts. Please open the “Clubs” tab to learn more about clubs in your area.
Join me as we work together to make a difference each and every day! Let us “shine” brightly in our efforts to help others.
Officers/Executive Committee
Administrative Chairmen
Community Service Program & Advancement Area Chairmen
CFWC Contest Chairmen & Contest Information