1st Vice President, Dean

Wendy Curran

As we begin the 2024-26 administration, we also begin the annual story of accomplishment for our Clubs, Districts, and the California Federation. As your 1st Vice-President, I assist CFWC President Matthies in facilitating how we increase awareness about our projects and, perhaps, inspire you with new ideas and projects to make our beautiful state shine bright.  

Report writing is the method CFWC clubs and districts use to describe the meaning and impact of our charitable efforts each year. Think about why and how your club chose its 2024 projects. Your best fundraising event or idea should “star“ in your Fundraising Report. Unique ideas to increase or retain members should be described in the Membership Report.

The goal is for your report to stand out. How? First, begin your report with the best or most unique project. Highlight how the projects came about and what was needed for their success. Be creative in describing how your club shared information about the project and the impact it made. If the project had special meaning for your community, comment on that. Take pride in the accomplishments summarized in your club or district reports; they are the combined history of CFWC and GFWC.

The 2024 club and district report forms are available at the REPORTS tab, along with additional information about report writing, report submission instructions, GFWC’s in-kind donation value guide, and an updated “Where to Report it” list.

I look forward to receiving and reading this year’s reports and learning all about what we’ve accomplished as CFWC “IGNITES OUR VOLUNTEER SPIRIT!” and heads toward a bright future.

Thank you, members of the California Federation of Women’s Clubs! Keep up the good works:  pitch in when and where you can; be an example to others; share your smiles, friendship, and compassion as we continue to make a difference each and every day.