Area D Vice President

Lynne Youngstrom

It is my honor and pleasure to serve as the GFWC California Federation of Women’s Clubs Area D Vice-President. Geographically, Area D is the southernmost part of the state — extending north/south from the Inland Empire to the Mexico border, and west/east from Los Angeles County to the Nevada state line. It encompasses 4 Districts (De Anza; Palomar; San Bernardino; and Southern), 56 General clubs, 2 Affiliate clubs, and 1 Juniorette club.

As Area D VP, my focus is membership: recruiting and retention of members, facilitation of clubs returning to Federation and helping to form new clubs. Over the next two years, I look forward to working the membership officers of all Area D districts and clubs. I am available for all things MEMBERSHIP.  

The traditional 2-day membership workshop will occur at CFWC’s Fall board meeting. Each district membership officer is invited and encouraged to attend. Everything MEMBERSHIP will be discussed and the latest GFWC membership information will be shared.

This year’s Area D conference will be on October 22nd at Shadow Ridge Golf Club in Vista. CFWC President Barbara Briley Beard, 1st Vice President Sonya Matthies and 2nd Vice President Wendy Curran will share the very latest information concerning federation, report writing and membership. In addition, In recognition of President Beard’s focus on Advocates for Children, Fontana Police Dept’s Internet Crimes Against Children team will provide an important and informative presentation.  

The CFWC Winter board meeting in February will include a “membership refresher” presentation. CFWC’s yearly LEADS seminar (Leadership, Education & Development) occurs in conjunction with this board meeting. Each district is encouraged to select a district candidate to participate in the LEADS experience. 

In May 2023, as the first year of this administration comes to a close, please join us for the annual CFWC state convention as we continue the ALOHA Spirt of membership. CFWC’s membership team will again present a workshop to set the stage for the 2023-2024 club year.