Marsha LaRusso
According to Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly Revised), “the secretary is the recording officer of the assembly and the custodian of its records, except those records specifically assigned to others, such as the Treasurer’s books. The recording officer is sometimes called the clerk, the recording secretary (when there is also, for example, a corresponding secretary or financial secretary), the recorder, or the scribe.”
CFWC’s bylaws state the duties of the Recording Secretary as: keep the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and Executive Committee, as well as all general sessions of the annual CFWC convention. The bylaws set forth what information is to be recorded in the minutes, how much time the recording secretary is allowed to complete the minutes, and to whom the minutes should be distributed.
I will do my best to keep accurate records of the important actions taken by the CFWC Executive Board on behalf of its members.
Ignite Your Volunteer Spirit!