Advancement Areas: These are activities or projects that generally do not have a charitable component but serve to enhance the membership experience, increase club awareness, or provide education and leadership opportunities, such as: Communications, Publicity, or Legislation and Public Policy. These activities are included in club reports.
Affiliates: GFWC has established special relationships with certain other organizations and these are considered GFWC Affiliates. Projects or activities done in support of an Affiliate are included on the Award Entry Form for the relevant program and also reported in the annual statistical report.
Award Entry Form: Clubs and districts use these forms to report their activities for the calendar year. This form is used for GFWC Special Projects, GFWC Community Service Reports, and Advancement Area Reports.
Community Service Programs: These are the various categories established by GFWC which relate to charitable projects. These categories are used for reporting club projects and activities.
Dollars Donated: Money given and/or donated to another organization. The funds must go through the club or district treasury. Gift cards and the value of items donated are considered the same as cash and reported as dollars donated.
Dollars Raised: Money donated to your club by members, the community or other organizations, or money raised at a fundraiser. Funds must go through the club or district treasury. Money is reported as the net profit after all expenses have been deducted. In-Kind items raised are converted to their monetary value and added to the dollars raised for reporting.
Dollars Spent: Money your club or district spent buying items for a fundraiser, paper goods for an event, postage, printing, food, etc.
GFWC Special Projects: GFWC Signature Project is Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Awareness; and Juniors Special Project – Advocates for Children. Projects done in these areas are reported on the Award Entry Form.
In-Kind Donations: In-kind donations are items donated or services provided, not money. These are given a monetary value based on age and condition. All new items receive full value; barely used items – suggested value is 50% of the original cost; and used items – 10% of the original cost. Monetary donations made by members are considered in-kind donations if those funds do not go through the club’s treasury.
Statistical Report Form: This form is provided to club and district presidents and collects statistics of all projects done in the calendar year. Clubs submit statistical reports to the district president, who combines the information and forwards a district report to CFWC.